What's the difference between RANK()
functions? How to find out nth salary in the following emptbl
10 rrr 10000.00
11 nnn 20000.00
11 mmm 5000.00
12 kkk 30000.00
10 fff 40000.00
10 ddd 40000.00
10 bbb 50000.00
10 ccc 50000.00
If in the table data having nulls
, what will happen if I want to find out nth
gives you the ranking within your ordered partition. Ties are assigned the same rank, with the next ranking(s) skipped. So, if you have 3 items at rank 2, the next rank listed would be ranked 5.
again gives you the ranking within your ordered partition, but the ranks are consecutive. No ranks are skipped if there are ranks with multiple items.
As for nulls, it depends on the ORDER BY
clause. Here is a simple test script you can play with to see what happens:
with q as (
select 10 deptno, 'rrr' empname, 10000.00 sal from dual union all
select 11, 'nnn', 20000.00 from dual union all
select 11, 'mmm', 5000.00 from dual union all
select 12, 'kkk', 30000 from dual union all
select 10, 'fff', 40000 from dual union all
select 10, 'ddd', 40000 from dual union all
select 10, 'bbb', 50000 from dual union all
select 10, 'xxx', null from dual union all
select 10, 'ccc', 50000 from dual)
select empname, deptno, sal
, rank() over (partition by deptno order by sal nulls first) r
, dense_rank() over (partition by deptno order by sal nulls first) dr1
, dense_rank() over (partition by deptno order by sal nulls last) dr2
from q;
--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
xxx 10 1 1 4
rrr 10 10000 2 2 1
fff 10 40000 3 3 2
ddd 10 40000 3 3 2
ccc 10 50000 5 4 3
bbb 10 50000 5 4 3
mmm 11 5000 1 1 1
nnn 11 20000 2 2 2
kkk 12 30000 1 1 1
9 rows selected.
Here's a link to a good explanation and some examples.