I am trying to transfer from Cherrypy to Bottle & Gevent(server).
After I run:
application=bottle.default_app() #bottle
WSGIServer(('', port), application, spawn=None).serve_forever() #gevent
I want to restart the server just as if the reloader reloaded the server (but only when I tell the server to).
So I want to access a page with credential request and only after correct authentication will it restart.
Here is my functional example in Cherrypy:
def reloadMe(self, u=None, p=None):
if u=="username" and p=="password":
raise HTTPRedirect('/')
More simply I am asking how do I reload this script so that my edits to the source file are implemented but only when I retrieve a "restart" page.
I literally only need the Bottlepy equivalent of
engine.restart() #cherrypy
Does no one know how to do this?
You can write a small shell script to restart gevent wsgi server.
then using this code, you can call the script.
def handler():
http_auth_data = bottle.request.auth() # returns a tuple (username,password) only basic auth.
if http_auth_data[0] == user and http_auth_data[1] == password:
let me know if you need more info.