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Message is cut off when sending it using Mail Core in iOS

I am trying to send a message, using MailCore framework in iOS. This is my View Did Load method:

- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

myMessage = [[CTCoreMessage alloc] init];

// Set To
CTCoreAddress *addrTo = [CTCoreAddress address];
[addrTo setEmail:@""];
[myMessage setTo:[NSSet setWithObject:addrTo]];

// Set From 
CTCoreAddress *addrFrom = [CTCoreAddress address];
[addrFrom setEmail:@""];
[addrFrom setName:@"bb"];
[myMessage setFrom:[NSSet setWithObject:addrFrom]];

[myMessage setSubject:@"test"];
[myMessage setHTMLBody:@"Отправил это сообщение через SMTP с TSL (используя MailCore) :)"];

[CTSMTPConnection sendMessage:myMessage server:@"" username:@"bbbb"
                     password:@"ccc" port:587 useTLS:YES useAuth:YES];
[myMessage release];

As a result I get an e-mail, that is shortened for some reason like this:

Отправил это сообщение через SMTP с T

What could be the reason. I use with port 587 and useTLS = YES, as you can see.

PS When I use instead of it's the same. Seems, it's not server problem.


  • This seems very suspiciously like an encoding issue. What if you HTML-escape your non-ascii characters first?

    To clarify, it seems like someone is asking the HTMLBody for its length (which is in characters) and then assuming that's the right number of UTF-8 bytes to send.