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BDE Installation: there is not enough space on drive c. install to this location anyway

I am trying to install BDE Engine by executing the following command line from my installation program as follows.

ShellExecute(0, nil, 'regsvr32.exe', 'BdeInst.dll', nil, SW_SHOW);

It pops up with a message requesting permission to install BDE Engine at a particular location. When you click okay button, it pops up another a message as follows.

enter image description here

I did verify that I have plenty of free space in my hardrive. When you click on Yes button, it installs the BDE engine successfully.

I don't know why. Plus, there is not much information online about this.

Any input will be greatly appreciated.


  • First of all, the BDE is deprecated, and you should better avoid using it, even with other versions of Delphi.

    You have third party components around able to connect directly to DBs without using the BDE. See e.g. DevArt, SQLDirect, DASoft (its FreeDAC is free), and a lot of other components like Zeos or our SynDB Open Source libraries.

    You reached the well known "2GB rounding error". The BDE installer suffers from it, but applications using BDE also.

    BDE installer is buggy.

    It just does not work with newer versions of Windows.

    You have other installers around, like interbase and BDE on windows 7 or Bde Installer on these Embarcadero days

    BDE used in applications will suffer from the same 2GB limitation, linked to the GetDiskFreeSpace improper use.

    There is a work around available on Embarcadero CodeCentral which is worth to be included in your application code.