how may I checkout a bare repository on my server in a post-receive hook that includes submodules?
I currently have this as a post-receive hook:
# post-receive hook that checks out development branch after a push to the bare
# repo
# paths must exist
while read oldrev newrev ref
branch=`echo $ref | cut -d/ -f3`
#if [[ "master" == "$branch" ]]; then
# git --work-tree=$livepath checkout -f $branch
# echo 'Changes pushed live.'
if [[ "develop" == "$branch" ]]; then
git --work-tree=$devpath checkout -f $branch
echo 'Changes pushed to dev.'
But with this the submodules wont get initialized.
I tried doing this for testing manual:
cd /var/www/dev
git --work-tree /var/www/dev --git/dir /git/myrepo.git submodule init
git --work-tree /var/www/dev --git/dir /git/myrepo.git submodule update
submodule update
command failed with this error messages:
fatal: working tree '/var/www/dev' already exists.
Clone of '' into submodule path 'yii' failed
That behavior is already (unanswered) questioned here: Git submodules with separate work_tree
It would also be good if it would not reinitialize them if they are alredy there.
does not work well with submodules (becoz submodule need another repos, but it can't put in your worktree). You need a separate clone for that.
Just create a clone, do a cd
+ pull
in your hook.