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Library as Singleton in Codeigniter?

I've created a custom library using singleton pattern. Why by this way? because I need to be able to call my functions without $this-> reference, for example, I could execute the code below:

function foo() {

then I could call my functions in controllers like this:

function foo();

instead of


I am in trouble because CodeIgniter try to instantiate my library when the best way to do is "read" the static instance.

Why I need to do this?

My custom library must register "hooks" from external php files located in /plugins directory outside of application folder. Look:

  • /application
  • /plugins
  • /plugins/helloworld.php

This is my Loader library:

class Loader{

    public static $instance;
      protected $hooks;

    private function __construct($params = array()){
        $this->hooks= array();

    public static function instance()
            if (!self::$instance)
                self::$instance = new Loader();

            return self::$instance;

    public function includePlugins()
        include_once "/plugins/helloworld.php";  

    public function do_action($hook= "after")
        foreach ($this->actions[$hook] as $function)
            call_user_func_array($function, array());


    public function add_action($hook, $function, $priority)
        if ($hooks !== false)
        $this->actions[$hook][] = $function;
        echo "hook name is unavalaible";


 * Functions using the Singleton instance !!!

function do_action($hook)

function add_action($hook, $function, $priority)
    Loader::instance()->add_action($hook, $function, $priority);

No, my helloworld.php (plugin) looks like this:

add_action('right_here', 'show_message', 11);
function show_message()
    echo "hello world!";

Finally, I could call my the function do_action in my controller/view in order to print the message, like this:


Note that all my important functions are called by a global function that allow me to use the singleton instance. But I am experiencing two issues:

  1. Codeigniter needs that my contruct be public in order to instantiate. Here I need to take my singleton.
  2. If I let it public, several instances will be created and the library will no longer works as expected.


  • I've solved the problem :)

    In order to create a singleton library you must:

    • Include your library at system/core/Codeigniter.php like this: require_once("/path/to/library.php");

    • Make your instance return with & symbol, like this:


    public static function &instance()
        if (!self::$instance)
                self::$instance = new Loader();
            return self::$instance;
    • Ready to uses your functions as well. Also, you can include th CI object in you library.