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iOS Safari Mobile image map - area displays box when clicked

So, this one seems to be a little tricky. There's an image map with some areas and the function is like:

  • click on an area, display a tooltip

Here's some code (just a snippet):

<img src="content/dummy/1_small.jpg" alt="" usemap="#img_1">
<map name="img_1">
    <area shape="rect" coords="150,50,250,150" href="" alt="" />
    <area shape="rect" coords="250,500,350,600" href="" alt="" />

And the according click handler: function (event) {
    var position    = that.areas.index(;

Which works fine. But: Whenever I click on an area, Safari displays a little, slightly transparent box for the time of the touch event. If you hit it very short, it looks like it's flickering.

So, the question is: How to prevent this behavior and don't show that box?


  • As mentioned in iOS dark gray box active style you have to hide the tap highlight box:

    img { -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); }