I've made a trip planner for bus and I had an idea. Instead of doing the request from a PHP page using AJAX when someone click on the map to setup the marker, I created a script using the method geocoder from Google Maps API in Javascript.
Now, since I know Google limit the request per day per "IP" at 2,500 I want to know something.
Since the request is made by Javascript (client script) directly to the Google server's. My website will use the limit of 2 500 because the request come from a script on my website or it's going to be 2 500 requests per client I get (by IP in reality) because the request come from the client side ?
The IP Address used is the servers, not the clients. If you plan on it exceeding 25,000 a day, than you can signup through Google's paid services, and they will charge for anything exceeding the limit.