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has_secure_password and email verification

has_secure_password in rails works well for signing up users by checking :password and :password_confirmation then logging a :password_digest field in the database. However, if I want to be able to verify the email address (by sending an email confirmation) how would I be able to do this with rails?


  • Generally to verify an email address, you send an email to the concerned email address ( with a link ) and the user clicks a link / verifies it. The link generally contains a token used to uniquely identify that email address. So you can add a verification_token field to your model, may be add verification_email_sent_at and verified_at fields as well, to keep track and use a controller action

       def verify_email
         @user = User.find_by_verification_token(params[:verification_token])
         if @user
            @user.verification_token = nil
            @user.verification_email_sent_at = nil
            @user.verified_at =
            # above lines can be part of method like @user.verify!
            redirect_to "/"

    Also I'd strongly suggest instead of building your authentication solution take a look at

    Its pretty simple to use.