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How to set up Sublime Text 2 for Ruby Tests (Windows)

I'm following the Rails Tutorial (Hartl), and having some trouble in section 3.6.4 "Tests Inside Sublime Text".

Running Windows 7 (I know, not optimal, but what I have for now). I followed the steps at and successfully cloned the repository to the %APPDATA/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ directory on my machine.

My problem is with the "Settings" section - I'm instructed to:

"Make a copy of RubyTest.sublime-settings file to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User/ and make your changes."

No problem finding the file. But the directory appears to be specific to OS-X. It's not at all clear to me where the equivalent location would be in Windows. I assume that I need to drop a copy of the file in a suitable location where Sublime Text 2 can read it, but I'm not any wiser about that location after several hours of searching.

Where does the "RubyTest.sublime-settings" file go in Windows??

Appreciate any guidance!


  • You said you cloned the repo to :

    %APPDATA/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ 

    So the "RubyTest.sublime-settings" would go into:

    %APPDATA/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User