Search code examples

CFQUERYPARAM not working in ColdFusion 10

I am passing three integers into a function in a CFC, like this:

Q = TOPBIKES.GetTopBikes(127, 10, 11);

The CFC uses these integers to run a query like this:

<!--- GET TOP BIKES --->
<cffunction name="GetTopBikes">
    <cfargument name="FeatureID" required="true">
    <cfargument name="MinWins" required="true">
    <cfargument name="RecordsToReturn" required="true">
        LOCAL.FeatureID = ARGUMENTS.FeatureID;
        LOCAL.MinWins = ARGUMENTS.MinWins;
        LOCAL.RecordsToReturn = ARGUMENTS.RecordsToReturn;
    <!--- RUN QUERY --->        
    <cfquery name="Q">
        SELECT      TOP #LOCAL.RecordsToReturn#
        FROM        Bikes B
                    LEFT JOIN BikeScores BS
                        ON B.BikeID = BS.BikeID
        WHERE       BS.Wins > <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#LOCAL.MinWins#">
                    AND B.BikeID IN (   SELECT  BikeID
                                        FROM    Bikes_Features
                                        WHERE   FeatureID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#LOCAL.FeatureID#">
        ORDER BY    BS.PCTWins desc
    <cfreturn Q>

The problem is that I cannot get cfqueryparam to work in the TOP part of the SQL statement.

These work:

SELECT      TOP 11
SELECT      TOP #LOCAL.RecordsToReturn#

This does not work:

SELECT      TOP <cfqueryparam 

I can, however use anywhere else in the query. I know it's an integer and works when used elsewhere such in replacement of the FeatureID.

Any clue as to why CFQUERYPARAM is not working in TOP?


  • SELECT TOP #val(LOCAL.RecordsToReturn)#

    Some parts of a SQL statement cannot use cfqueryparam, such as Top or table name after From.