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Can I use Clutter in SWT?

I'd like to use a Clutter stage as a widget in an SWT window. I'm aware that there are Java bindings for Clutter, but I'm not sure how to use them (for SWT or otherwise).

I suspect that this might be a bit difficult. If it's prohibitively difficult, then I would appreciate some possible alternatives. However, upon searching, the only alternative to Clutter I could find was Core Animation from Apple (which isn't for Java, obviously). So, the ideal solution would be to get Clutter to work for SWT.


  • Have you tried JavaFX as an alternative? There is an article here: ,which explains how you can use JavaFX with SWT or Swing.

    JavaFX is possibly the closest to Clutter you can get in the Javaworld, without using Clutter.

    I have never used the Clutter Java bindings but I suspect that it would not be a trivial task to combine Clutter and SWT.