I am fetching data from Articles table but I want to extend returned result with some data from another table. For example:
public function getArticlesByCategoryId($category_id = 0) {
$select = $this->_db->select()
->order("pubDate DESC");
$result = $this->_db->fetchAll($select);
$mCategories = new Model_Categories();
foreach($result as $row) { // as &$row doesn't work
$category_name = $mCategories->getNameById($row["category_id"]);
$row["category_name"] = $category_name; // this to add to $result but dunno how
// blah blah...
return $result; // the new one with ...->category_name in it.
I hope you could understand what I am looking for. Or maybe it is better to write a single query (with joins, don't know how) and fetch all the data needed in once without calling methods from another Models?
This indeed looks like you should use a join
. This definitely is the easiest way to solve your problem. The following query would do the trick:
$select = $this->_db->select()
->join('category_table', 'category_table.id = ' . $this->_name . '.category_id', array('category_name'))
->order("pubDate DESC");
This will add the category name to the row.
In case you don't want to use a join, you can add a custom field to your row by using a custom row class. This however requires a bit more work. Create the class as follows:
class MyApp_Model_Row_MyRow extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract
public $categoryName;
Then you should indicate in your DbTable class that you want to use this new row class:
class MyApp_Model_DbTable_Articles extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_rowClass = 'MyApp_Model_Row_MyRow';
You can then set the category name in a fetched row.