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Downgrading Michael Hartl's Rails application to Rails 2

I built (hacked) my web app by extending Michael Hartl's Rails 3 tutorial, only to discover that my web hosting service requires Rails 2.3.8. I am a complete newbie to Ruby/Rails, and was wondering how feasible a downgrade from Rails 3.x to Rails 2.x would be.

Unfortunately my webhost is not able to upgrade to Rails 3.


To be more specific: my application is largely based on the tutorial mentioned above. I am looking to determine what type of effort is involved in downgrading the Rails 3 tutorial application into a Rails 2 application. I will try it out anyway, but due to my inexperience with Ruby / Rails, before I started I just wanted to get an idea of what to expect (i.e., if there will be a lot of syntax changes, or will I have to restructure the file directory, etc.)


  • You do NOT want to do this, it's a really bad idea, You'll end up chasing your tail forever with weird error messages and when yuo ask about them you'll be a very unusual case.


    • Find a host that support Rails 3, while you get ready for Rails 4 (tee-hee)
    • Seek out of of the (many) books on amazon or ebay that cater to rails 2 (still probably a majority at this point).
    • Use Heroku - many people are using Heroku to go live for free and then be low cost when more's needed.

    The main thing here about rails is that the versions advance quickly - and the code structure changes a lot with each version. You have to work much harder to avoid technical debt than with other, more mature, technologies.