I'm getting the following warning when adding overlays to my map view:
Sending 'MKOverlayView *const __strong' to parameter of incompatible type 'id<MKOverlay>'
The code works great, and the overlays are drawn as they should, but I would love to get rid of the warning. The code that's causing it:
for(MKOverlayView *overlay in [mapView overlays]) {
[mapView removeOverlay:overlay];
(Obviously, the line inside the for loop is what's raising this error) Google doesn't have a single result for that error. only similar with MKAnnotationView for example. The solutions there (for example):
for(id<MKOverlay> *overlay in [mapView overlays]) {
[mapView removeOverlay:overlay];
raises an error.
Any ideas? Thanks!
The overlays
property returns an array of the overlay model objects (the objects that conform to the MKOverlay
protocol) and not the overlay views.
So change the for-loop to:
for(id<MKOverlay> overlay in [mapView overlays]) {
Note there is no asterisk in the id<MKOverlay> overlay