I know the title is ridiculously long, but I'm in need of some assistance with Ruby on Rails and Sqlite3.
I had originally thought doing something like 4.times { (0..??).to_a.shuffle } would print a number between 0 and ?? (e.g. 20) four times, but all it did for me (in the rails console) was print the number '4' once.
Any idea on how I can do this successfully in Ruby on Rails by accessing a database table called "bullets" and using embedded ruby (.erb)?
You can pull 4 random rows from sqlite using a query like:
select * from bullets order by random() limit 4;
So the AREL syntax is:
Bullet.select(:id).order('random()').limit(4).collect { |b| b.id }
=> [24, 6, 57, 37]