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Over-ride rownames renaming of duplicates with xtable

I would like xtable to NOT over-ride my duplicated rowname entries. Consider the following MWE:

> require(xtable)
> foo <- matrix(0, 2,2)
> rownames(foo) = rep("bar", 2)
> foo
    [,1] [,2]
bar    0    0
bar    0    0
> xtable(foo)
% latex table generated in R 2.15.0 by xtable 1.7-0 package
% Fri Jun 22 13:59:36 2012
 & 1 & 2 \\ 
1 & 0.00 & 0.00 \\ 
  2 & 0.00 & 0.00 \\ 
Warning message:
In data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) :
  some row.names duplicated: 2 --> row.names NOT used

Instead of having the rownames be 1 and 2, I want them to be my original "bar" and "bar". Is there a way to over-ride xtable's duplicate replacement scheme?


  • Here's the xtable solution (in a very compact form):

    > print(xtable(data.frame(row = rownames(foo),data.frame(foo))),include.rownames = FALSE)
    % latex table generated in R 2.14.2 by xtable 1.6-0 package
    % Fri Jun 22 14:24:59 2012
    row & X1 & X2 \\ 
    bar & 0.00 & 0.00 \\ 
      bar & 0.00 & 0.00 \\ 

    This will still kick a warning, and it will be difficult to get your column headings right. The other option is to use latex from the Hmisc package, which is quite a bit more flexible (but also more complicated; you can turn off the multicolumn stuff):

    > latex(foo,file = "")
    % latex.default(foo, file = "") 

    Sorry for the terse comment. I was holding a baby at the time.