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Maximum list size that can be passed

There is nothing wrong with the following code. It works fine. I just have a question about passing lists as parameters in HQL. I am using the IN clause in an HQL query like this:

AND l.creditGlCode IN (?3)

Then setting the parameter like this:

aQuery.setParameter(3, glCodes);

The HashSet glcodes contains strings. What is the maximum size that glcodes can be when passing it as a parameter in HQL? I remember reading somewhere that there is a limit but through countless number of google searches I can't find the answer.


  • I hope this will help.

    The original answer referenced content that does not exist anymore. The content pasted below was copied via the Wayback Machine (and is what the original link was referencing):

    enter image description here

    The number of elements that we can put in a "in" expression is limited to a certain amount (1000 for Oracle, for instance). When creating a criteria query, the org.hibernate.criterion.InExpression class should split the expression into several smaller ones.

    Attached is a patch which splits the expression by slices of 500 elements. For example, if we have 1001 elements to put in the "in" expression, the result would be : (entity.field in (?, ?, ?...) or entity.field in (?, ?, ?...) or entity.field in )

    The surrounding parantheses are useful to avoid problems with other conditions (a "and" condition taking over the one of the "or" conditions).