From a logical perspective this is the kind of routing behaviour I wish to implement:
I want to be able to merge the response of an external service with the original request.
I have been able to implement this using multicasting, an aggregator, and a mock endpoint but I was wondering if there is a cleaner way. My current implementation looks like this:
<multicast strategyRef="serviceAggregator" stopOnException="false">
<to uri="mock:foo" />
<to uri="" />
<camel:to uri="" />
<to uri="
The part I particularly don't like is using a mock endpoint but I also don't think that this is a very readable way to express the above diagram. So I was wondering if there was a more elegant way of doing this?
I suggest to read about the EIP patterns, for example the content enricher
Where you can merge the reply message with the request message.
Mind the Content Enricher has 2 modes - enrich - pollEnrich
Make sure to notice the difference, from the docs in the link above.
<from uri="...">
<enrich uri="" strategyRef="serviceAggregator"/>
<to uri="" />
<to uri=">
And yes you diagram is showing splitter, but the sample code is using multicast EIP.