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INSERT INTO table which requires a Join

Im currently trying to move data from one table to another. In a previous question I asked today I was advised to use an insert statement. While trying to run the statement i get an error from SQL Server as follows:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Parent', table '*****.dbo.Product'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

This is the statement I have created,

INSERT INTO [*****].[dbo].[Product] 
SELECT d.[PDate]
FROM [*****].[dbo].[ProductData] AS d
JOIN [*****].[dbo].[Product] AS t
ON d.ProductDataID = t.ProductDataID

I need to ensure that the data matches up correctly

Edit: Sorry, there was an error when i was copying the script. UseDRM is in both sections of my original script. What I want to do is to copy the data in the ProductData table to the Product table.


  • I finally figured out what i was doing wrong, instead of using an INSERT INTO statement I should have been using an UPDATE statement

    UPDATE [********].[dbo].[Product] 
    SET [PDate] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[PDate]
      ,[SDate] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[SDate]
      ,[CreatedBy] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[CreatedBy]
      ,[CreatedDate] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[CreatedDate]
      ,[UpdatedBy] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[UpdatedBy]
      ,[UpdatedDate] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[UpdatedDate]
    FROM [********].[dbo].[ProductData], [********].[dbo].[Product]
    WHERE [********].[dbo].[Product].[ProductDataID] = [********].[dbo].[ProductData].[ProductDataID]

    I apologise for my orginial question which is poorly written