I have written a custom class to handle database queries to a remote and local MySQL database, however when I do a nested loop I receive the below error:
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException was unhandled
Message=There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.
My class currently looks like this
public class MySQLManager
private MySqlConnection _MySQLRemoteConnection { get; set; }
public void setup(string remoteUser, string remotePass, string remoteServerAddress, string remoteDb, string localUser, string localPass, string localServerAddress, string localDb)
_remote_server_address = remoteServerAddress;
_remote_database = remoteDb;
_remote_username = remoteUser;
_remote_password = remotePass;
public void connect()
_MySQLRemoteConnection = new MySqlConnection() { ConnectionString = string.Format("server={0};database={1};uid={2};password={3};", _remote_server_address, _remote_database, _remote_username, _remote_password) };
_RemoteConnection = true;
catch (MySqlException ex)
_RemoteConnection = false;
public MySqlCommand run(string query, List<MySqlParameter> dbparams = null)
MySqlCommand sql = getConnection().CreateCommand();
sql.CommandText = query;
if (dbparams != null)
if (dbparams.Count > 0)
return sql;
public MySqlDataReader fetch(MySqlCommand cmd)
var t = cmd.ExecuteReader();
return t;
And the code that I'm running to create the error, now I understand I can do the below example in a single query, this is an EXAMPLE query to re-create the error, writing it into a single query will not work with live examples.
query = "SELECT field1 FROM tmp WHERE field1 < 3";
using (var sql = db.run(query))
txtResponse.Text += "Query ran" + nl;
using (var row = db.fetch(sql))
txtResponse.Text += "Query fetched" + nl;
while (row.Read())
txtResponse.Text += "Row : " + row[0].ToString() + nl;
query = "SELECT val1 FROM tmp2 WHERE field1 = '" + row[0].ToString() + "'";
using (var sql2 = db.run(query))
txtResponse.Text += "Query ran" + nl;
using (var row2 = db.fetch(sql))
txtResponse.Text += "Query fetched" + nl;
while (row.Read())
txtResponse.Text += " Val : " + row2[0].ToString() + nl;
So how would I go about getting the second loop to work?
For SQL Server, you could use MultipleActiveResultSets=true on connection string, but this most likely won't work for MySQL.
The other option is to use 2 connections, one for each data reader.