What I'm looking for is a way to write out a python Fraction() type to an arbitrary number of decimal places. I've looked at the python docs for Fraction and Decimal, but I can't see any way to convert or to write out the Fraction.
So what I'm looking for is some way to print out
Fraction(5, 7)
instead of
>> float(Fraction(5, 7))
Specifying the number of DPs.
You can have arbitrary precision using the Decimal
from fractions import Fraction
from decimal import localcontext, Decimal
def print_fraction(f, digits):
assert(f.imag == 0)
# Automatically reset the Decimal settings
with localcontext() as ctx:
ctx.prec = digits
print(Decimal(f.numerator) / Decimal(f.denominator))
f = Fraction(5, 7)
print_fraction(f, 52)
This will print 0.7142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857143