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how to create a mock in a model test case

Maybe I am doing this wrong.

I'd like to test the beforeSave method of a model (Antibody). A part of this method calls a method on an associated model (Species). I'd like to mock the Species model but don't find how.

Is it possible or am I doing something that goes against the MVC pattern and thus trying to do something that I shouldn't?

class Antibody extends AppModel {
    public function beforeSave() {

        // some processing ...

        // retreive species_id based on the input 
            = isset($this->data['Species']['name']) 
            ? $this->Species->getIdByName($this->data['Species']['name']) 
            : null;

        return true;


  • Assuming your Species model in created by cake due to relations, you can simply do something like this:

    public function setUp()
        $this->Antibody = ClassRegistry::init('Antibody');
        $this->Antibody->Species = $this->getMock('Species');
        // now you can set your expectations here
            ->will($this->returnValue(/*your value here*/));
    public function testBeforeFilter()
        // or here
            ->will($this->returnValue(/*your value here*/));