I'm trying to generate a Java client for a webservice defined by http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/ProductServeService.wsdl
I've tried Java's wsimport and wsdl2java from both CXF and Axis2.
wsimport -p productserve -XadditionalHeaders http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/ProductServeService.wsdl
All three produce ApiPortType.java with the same problem. The return type for the getProductList method is void and has no @WebResult annotation. All other operations from the WSDL are mapped to java code fine.
I've looked through the WSDL in detail but can't spot what the problem might be and why all 3 tools fail to produce the correct return type for the operation.
Any ideas?
This web service falls into the category of document literal wrapped web services. The following points are true:
So you have void
return, but there are really 4 results:
Holder<List<Product>> oProduct
Holder<Integer> iTotalCount
Holder<List<RefineByGroup>> oActiveRefineByGroup
Holder<List<RefineByGroup>> oRefineByGroup
CXF (using wsimport
) has generated WRAPPED
style of operations. You can also generate BARE
style using CXF's:
wsdl2java -bareMethods http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/ProductServeService.wsdl
This way, instead of:
@RequestWrapper(localName = "getProductList", targetNamespace = "http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/", className = "productserve.GetProductList")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "getProductListResponse", targetNamespace = "http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/", className = "productserve.GetProductListResponse")
public void getProductList(
you'll get:
@WebResult(name = "getProductListResponse", targetNamespace = "http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/", partName = "return")
public GetProductListResponse getProductList(
@WebParam(partName = "parameters", name = "getProductList", targetNamespace = "http://v3.core.com.productserve.com/")
GetProductList parameters
) throws ApiException;