I have some problems with Miktex installed on Windows Vista Business SP1/32 bit. I use miktex 2.7, ghostscript, and texniccenter 1 beta 7.50. When I compile a document with the following profiles: Latex=>DVI, Latex=>PDF everything works fine; the system crashes when I compile with profiles Latex=>PS and Latex=>PS=>PDF. The error is reported into a window that states: "Dvi-to-Postscript converter has stopped working". What can I do? I need Latex=>PS=>PDF to include my images into the final PDF.
Thanks in advance, Yet another LaTeX user
If everything you need is images, you could still compile directly to PDF. You only need to have an image in PNG or JPG format, and use the following code:
%in the document preamble
%in the document, in the place where you want to put your image
When the image is a PNG or JPG file (there are some more, I don't remember which ones ATM), you can compile the file with pdfLaTeX, but not with the normal LaTeX (i.e. you can produce a PDF, but not DVI or PS).
Of course normally, if everything works fine, it's nice to have one copy of the image in EPS, and another in, say, PNG -- this way you can compile easily both to PDF, and to PS.
Hope that helps.