I'm developing a simple product catalog in Titanium and I have a TableView with the list of products and a product detail view to view the selected product. What I want to do is have the selected product visibly selected in the TableView.
Titanium defaults to deselecting rows with animation so the selection color fades out whenever a row is selected.
This is how my app looks like now:
This is how I want it to look:
Any ideas?
Give this a try:
// Create table view data object
var data = [
{title:'Row 1', hasChild:true, color:'red', selectedColor:'#fff'},
{title:'Row 2', hasDetail:true, color:'green', selectedColor:'#fff'},
{title:'Row 3', hasCheck:true, color:'blue', selectedColor:'#fff'},
{title:'Row 4', color:'orange', selectedColor:'#fff'}
// Create table view and set allowSelection to true
var tableview = Titanium.UI.createTableView({
allowsSelection:true // This should do the trick
// Select the 4th row
// Add table view to the current window