I have a custom attribute which is multi select type and I want to assign the value for it programatically but it doesn't work like "text field" attribute.
At the moment, I use the product.update
in Magento's SOAP API to update the additional attribute.
I've tried and searched and tried but unluckily they didn't seem to work. I think this should work normally by default and we need some hack?
Is there any official document from magento about these kind of work ?
It is possible to write a setup script to add value to the multiselect attribute. Considering your attribute is color and you are trying to add value 'Red','Green','Blue' to the attribute, then you add like this
$oInstaller = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
$iAttribId = $oInstaller->getAttributeId('catalog_product', 'color');
'attribute_id' => $iAttribId,
'value' => array(
0 => 'Red',
1 => 'Blue',
2=> 'Green'
Hope this works.