in one of my controller actions, I am assigning a project to a user, and I want to respond to json requests to it with some info about the user and some info about the project. I can, at the moment, see all of their database attributes like this:
# ruby code...
# current_user.first_name #=> "Nik" db attr
# current_user.full #=> "Nik So" virtual attr
# #=> "buy something"
format.json { render json: {user:current_user), assignable:@project}}
So in my firebug console, I can see the response object in my console
// JS code
success: function(r){window.test = r}
//in console
test.user.first_name //"Nik" //"buy something"
test.user.full //undefined
Any chance that I can return virtual attributes alongside my models in the JSON response?
Thank You!
Got it!, here's a solution:
format.json { render json: {user:current_user.as_json(methods:[:full]), assignable:@project}}