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PayPal Chained payments error 520009

I am trying to setup a chained payment app, and got the application approved. I was hoping that like in parallel payments, chained payments can have users with or without a registered paypal account. But with email accounts that are not registered, the api returns an error code 520009 saying the account '' is restricted. I did see the following link having the same issue.

Though in their dev doc says anyone with an email can get paid/ notified (except the app owner who needs a verified account), It is throwing an error. I have posted a ticket to paypal/mts but have nt heard from them yet.

My app case is, 1. User gets paid eg $100. They are the primary recipient in chain. 2. application (secondary reciever) gets a cut of this payment. say $2.

Any one know if chained payments need primary as well as rest of the recipients to have valid paypal accounts and not just an email? Or is there something in the call that allows primary recipients with just an email address?

( I know that application owner needs a registered paypal account).



  • Paypal/mts confirms that their documentation is incorrect. Chained payments require confirmed paypal accounts and not just an email ID. They said they will update the documentation.