I have a database of Employees and a dropdown list which I generated with PHP, then with javascript I tried to put the right type of blood of each employee in the database.
I have a database of Employees and a dropdown list which I generated with PHP, then with javascript I try to put the right type of blood for each employee in the database.
First I retrieved the data:
$rsEmployee = employee::getEmployees();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEmployee))
echo "
<select id='slcBloodType' name='slcBloodType' onload='chooseItem(this, '$row['slcBloodType']')'>
<option value='A+'> A+ </option>
<option value='A-'> A- </option>
<option value='B+'> B+ </option>
<option value='B-'> B- </option>
<option value='AB+'> AB+ </option>
<option value='AB-'> AB- </option>
<option value='O+'> O+ </option>
<option value='O-'> O- </option>
The javascript function:
function elegirOption(list, value){
array = ["A+", "A-", "B+", "B-", "AB+", "AB-", "O+", "O-"];
index = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(value == array[i]){
index = i;
if(index != -1){
this.selectedIndex = index;
But is not working, it seems that I can't pass a php variable as a parameter to a javascript function...
There are others dropdown list with which I want to do that.
Why not do it like this:
$blood_types = array("A+", "A-", ...);
echo '<select>';
while(....) {
foreach($blood_types as $blood_type) {
echo '<option';
if($blood_type == $row['slcBloodType'])
echo 'selected="selected"';
echo '>'.$blood_type.'</option>';
You don't have to specify the value attribute since it's the same as the text.