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What does DotLess' "web" attribute do exactly?

The dotless documentation is quite limited. I can't find much information at all about the configsection options - especially what the "web" attribute does.

Can anyone enlighten me?


  • The code is normally pretty good documentation for open source projects ;)

    Grab a copy of the code and look in dotless.Core > configuration > DotlessConfiguration.cs you will see some handy comments about all the config elements - this is the Web one

    /// <summary>
    ///  Whether this is used in a web context or not
    /// </summary>
    public bool Web { get; set; }

    Admittedly it doesn't tell you a great deal but find the references to that property and you come across only one place in the code where it is used -

    if (!configuration.Web)

    Which starts to give you a better clue as to what it does which is this

        protected virtual void RegisterLocalServices(FluentRegistration pandora)

    So it sets up in memory caching, logging to the console etc (i.e services it uses if not in a web context)