i am using your api and i have made a success call to upload a photo to my profile. now i am trying to post to Particular channel, what is the value i need to put for channel id.... tried this values : "/channel/{channel_id}" "channel_id" "channel"
NSString *mediaCaption = [self.uploadedMediaInfo valueForKey:@"text"];
UIImage *img = viewImage;//[self.uploadedMediaInfo valueForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
NSMutableDictionary *uploadMediaParams = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"jpg", @"extension",
/*@"215913", @"/channel/{channel_id}",*/
/*mediaCaption, @"text",*/
// Additional parameters relevant to image upload are also added in the postImage request method
[self postImage:img params:uploadMediaParams delegate:self];
[self.uploadedMediaInfo removeAllObjects];
Please use channels_list[] : An array of mobli channel id's