In his comparison of ScalaQuery and Squeryl, Stefan Zeiger (author of ScalaQuery) says in the third bullet-point:
ScalaQuery comes with support for a basic set of JDBC types and can be extended with DBMS- or application-specific types.
I have been unable to find examples or explanations for how to actually do this, however. I am trying to write a ScalaQuery schema for a Postgres database, in which some columns are of custom enum types that I created within Postgres.
For example, I have a enum type called gender
, with possible values male
and female
. This is NOT a Java enum, persisted to the database as an integer. Rather, it is a custom Postgres type defined within the DBMS. Postgres stores those with a special 4-byte data structure rather than as a primitive.
How could I incorporate Postgres columns of type gender
into a ScalaQuery schema?
(I would also appreciate comments, if you think a different strongly-typed O/R approach would be better suited for the task. I have already looked at Squeryl, and do not believe it can handle custom types unless they are persisted as primitives in the DBMS.)
import org.scalaquery.ql.{MappedTypeMapper => Mapper}
object TypeMapper {
type Stamp = java.sql.Timestamp
val joda2Stamp =
Mapper.base[JodaTime, Stamp](
dt => new Stamp(dt.getMillis),
ts => new JodaTime(ts.getTime) )
and then, for example, in your DAO (or wherever you run queries), use it:
import TypeMapper._
implicit val j2Stamp = joda2Stamp // type conversion automatically
You'll need to experiment to achieve the same for Enums and PostGres' enum storage type. I tend not to bother, preferring to go with Java Enums and storing as primitive type.
For example:
public enum CardType implements ILabel {
A("American Express");
private CardType(String label) { this.label = label; }
public String getLabel() { return this.label; }
final String label;
public static List<String> asList() {
return EnumHelper.asList(CardType.class);
public static Map<String,String> asMap() {
return EnumHelper.asMap(CardType.class);
and then store as char(1) in DB a la Orders.insert(cardType = cardType.toString)
, or you could create a type mapper Enum-String conversion and omit the enum.toString on inserts...