Current I've got 5 bars in my RS chart - in the future there might be 7 bars or 17 bars or 27 bars!
With a couple of bars I can have an expression like this:
=iif(Fields!Market.Value = "Spain"
,iif (Fields!Market.Value = "Denmark"
, "Gray"
, iif(Fields!Market.Value = "Italy"
, "Blue"
, "Purple"
If I can't predict how many countries will be included + I'd rather not have to hard code in "Green", "Red" etc how do I change the expression?
I've tried this but it is erroring:
=Switch(Mod(Fields!Rank.Value/CDbl(2))=CDbl(0), "Gold",
Mod(Fields!Rank.Value/CDbl(3))=CDbl(0), "Gray",
Mod(Fields!Rank.Value/CDbl(2))>CDbl(0) "Blue")
Above is the totally incorrect syntax: This works:
=Switch(CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 2)=CDbl(0), "Gold",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 3)=CDbl(0), "Gray",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 2)>CDbl(0), "Blue")
Ok - the above runs (not sure how!) but the below is based on help from Dominic Goulet and is really easy to follow and nice and expandable to more colours; this is the solution for 5 colours:
=Switch(CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 5)=CDbl(0), "Gold",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 5)=CDbl(1), "Gray",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 5)=CDbl(2), "Green",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 5)=CDbl(3), "Red",
CDbl(Fields!Rank.Value Mod 5)=CDbl(4), "Pink")
First of all, instead of using many "IIF"s, you should use "Switch", it's leaner that way.
Switch(Fields!Market.Value = "Spain", "Gold",
Fields!Market.Value = "Denmark", "Gray",
Fields!Market.Value = "Italy", "Blue")
Now if you want a color per coutry, you should defenitely store that in your database and pull it out when you need it. That way, a country will always have the same color on every report you have.