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Communication Link Failure mySQL NetBeans

Hi everybody I'm new and I'm having some trouble with a connection with netbeans and mysql, I need a database online I created one at but I think that something's wrong .... if any have some idea or other server I really need to connect a database from a server online with an app in netbeans.

Here is my configuration:

enter image description here

If you have any ideas to connect any database like sql server or postgres or mysql with a database online but works please tell me, I need some idea or some HowTo.


  • From your first screenshot (the second screenshot doesn't load for me) it looks correct. If you have double checked all the details provided you will have to contact your hosting provider. If it were a problem with NetBeans or the driver itself you would get a different error.

    Make sure you copy details from an email rather than retype them to prevent mixing up things like 0 and O. Also be sure when your copy the text you don't catch extra spaces or hidden tabs.