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Cx_freeze --- Do all users need python?

I just created an exe with cx_Freeze and proudly handed it over to a co-worker.....and it promptly crashed ("The application was unable to start correctly") I was curious to know if he must have python already installed and ready to go when he runs my exe or if it is something else that I should be worried about. (If that is the case, I will do some more research)

I am using Python 2.7 64 bit, Wxpython, and Cx_Freeze 4.2.7


So I have found that a download of Python 2.7 DOES indeed fix the problem--but this is not what I really want. I have heard that with the correct options selected in the script that I can truly create a stand alone--Does ANYONE know about how I could do this? Filesize is no object.


  • The purpose of cx_Freeze is so that the user doesn't need Python installed. But sometimes there might be some DLL dependencies that aren't sorted out automatically by cx_Freeze. For one example, see my recent question and answer for "ImportError: DLL load failed when importing win32clipboard in application frozen with cx_Freeze".

    But if you're getting the message "The application was unable to start correctly", then that sounds as though the problem is some implicit-linking DLL dependency. Try using Dependency Walker to track down which DLL is missing. Let us know your results.