It's unbelievable how difficult the above is to accomplish in C++. I'm looking for a way to do this as efficiently as possible while still maintaining millisecond precision.
The solutions I have so far have either required a lot of code and function calls making the implementation slow, or they require me to change the code twice a year to account for daylight savings time.
The computer this will be running on is synced using ntp and should have direct access to the local time adjusted for DST. Can somebody with expertise on this share some solutions?
My platform is CentOS5, g++ 4.1.2, Boost 1.45, solution doesn't need to be portable, can be platform specific. It just needs to be quick and avoid twice a year code changing.
None of the answers provided really does what I need it to do. I've come up with something standalone that I think should work. If anybody spots any errors or can think of a faster method, please let me know. Present code takes 15 microseconds to run. I challenge SO to make something quicker (and I really hope SO succeeds =P)
inline int ms_since_midnight()
//get high precision time
timespec now;
//get low precision local time
time_t now_local = time(NULL);
struct tm* lt = localtime(&now_local);
//compute time shift utc->est
int sec_local = lt->tm_hour*3600+lt->tm_min*60+lt->tm_sec;
int sec_utc = static_cast<long>(now.tv_sec) % 86400;
int diff_sec; //account for fact utc might be 1 day ahead
if(sec_local<sec_utc) diff_sec = sec_utc-sec_local;
else diff_sec = sec_utc+86400-sec_local;
int diff_hour = (int)((double)diff_sec/3600.0+0.5); //round to nearest hour
//adjust utc to est, round ns to ms, add
return (sec_utc-(diff_hour*3600))*1000+(int)((static_cast<double>(now.tv_nsec)/1000000.0)+0.5);