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mvc4 bundling strongly typed bundles

So MVC 4 introduces script and style bundling. Which allows for this:

public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
    bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/mobile").Include(

then used in a razor view like this:


My question is why do I have to type "~/bundles/mobile"? Is there a way get intellisence to have a strongly typed object to pick up on? Otherwise I have to go look it up to make sure I call it the same thing.

I would like to do something like this: (I know this won't compile this way, it's just an example)

public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
    Bundle mobile = new Bundle("mobile");

//in page:

or something to that affect.

Edit: the answer so simple. As @Hao Kung points out @Styles.Render simply takes a url string path. I created a class to hold the pathes.

public class bundles
    #region Javascript
    public static string scripts = "~/bundles/scripts";

    #region CSS

    public static string css = "~/Content/css";
    public static string jqueryUi = "~/Content/themes/base/css";

in any page then you simply do


there you have it. A little extra effort on your part, but at least it's strongly typed now.


  • The Render Scripts/Styles Render helpers are not limited to rendering references to bundles, they resolve any urls, so the only way for the helper to detect that you mean to reference a bundle, is by passing in the virtual path of the bundle.