I'm trying to get a bash script setup so it'll move files up to a specified size limit(in this case 1GB) from one directory to another. I'm trying to get it to enter the loop but I'm having issues with the while statement. It keeps returning the below output and I'm not sure why. If I try to use "$currentSize" in the while bash says it's expecting an integer comparison. But variables in bash are supposed to be untyped, so I can't cast it to an intiger, right? Any help is appropriated.
./dbsFill.bsh: line 9: [: -lt: unary operator expected
currentSize= du -s /root/Dropbox | cut -f 1
echo $currentSize
echo $maxFillSize
cd /srv/fs/toSort/sortBackup
while [ $currentSize -lt $maxFillSize ]
#fileToMove= ls -1
#rsync -barv --remove-source-files $fileToMove /root/Dropbox/sortme
# mv -t /root/Dropbox/sortme $(ls -1 | head -n 1)
#find . -type f -exec mv -t /root/Dropbox/sortme {} \;
#currentSize= du -s /root/Dropbox | cut -f 1
# sleep 5
echo Were are here
What you're trying to achieve by:
currentSize= du -s /root/Dropbox | cut -f 1
is to capture the current size of /root/Dropbox
in currentSize
. That isn't happening. That's because whitespace is significant when setting shell variables, so there's a difference between:
myVar= foo
The latter tries to evaluate foo
with the environment variable myVar
set to nothing.
Bottom line: currentSize
was getting set to nothing, and line 9 became:
while [ -lt 1048576 ]
and of course, -lt
isn't a unary operator which is what the shell is expecting in that situation.
To achieve your intent, use Bash command substitution:
currentSize=$( du -s /root/Dropbox | cut -f 1 )