I'm using Django 1.4 and experiencing an unusual problem with hidden rows in my admin site.
I can view individual models in my app, and they appear to be querying the database correctly when I click into each one; I can see the number of matches in the top left corner ("3 locations" below my actions bar, for example). However, entries do not appear below that count.
If I try to open an entry directly using the URL, I also get a blank page.
I haven't customized the templates or css. Anyone have experience with this type of problem?
Update: if foreign keys are removed in the model, the entries reappear below the counts. However, that FK field is needed so still trying to identify the root cause.
Fixed. This appears to happen when the model uses a ForeignKey field, and the table it points to does not have its data loaded. That accounts for the model seeing the number of rows, but not being able to pull up the individual entries.