i have to translate this EBNF to bison:
<compound-statement> ::= begin [ <statement> ( ; <statement> )*] end
<statement> ::=
| <assignment>
| <if-statement>
| <while-statement>
| <proc-func-call>
| <compound-statement>
when i translate assignement, if,while statements and proc_func_ there is no error in bison. However when i type this in bison, translating the compound statement:
compound_statement : BEGINKEY state ENDKEY ;
state : | statement stm ;
stm : | BQUESTIONMARK statement stm ;
there is a reduce/reduce error.
Can someone explain to me, why there is a reduce/reduce error, because it doesnt make sense to me. I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
So you have a Pascal-ish language where the semicolon is a statement separator, not a terminator.
is your token for the semicolon (";").
I think that you will do best with one production that requires the first statement, then another left-recursive production that provides for the optional additional statements.
I may be misreading something, but your grammar allows state
to be epsilon (null) as well as stm
, and I think that is the source
of your reduce/reduce error.
I would tackle the problem like this:
compound_statement : BEGINKEY first_statement statements ENDKEY
| BEGINKEY first_statement ENDKEY
first_statement : statement ;
statement : assignment
| if_statement
| while_statement
| proc_func_call
| compound_statement
statements : statements statement_with_semi
| statement_with_semi
statement_with_semi : BQUESTIONMARK statement ;