Currently Enunciate generates the REST API documentation, but the Response Body doesn't contain the information about the JSON structure of the response. In my understanding, if I include the classes with the data entities that are serialized/de-serialized by Jersey to JSON, enunciate would be able to generate that piece of the documentation.
The data entities are in a different module, which is packaged with its sources as suggested in the enunciate documentation - Multi-Module Projects
This is how my enunciate.xml looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<enunciate label="someapi" xmlns:xsi=""
<api-import pattern="**"/>
<api-import pattern="**"/>
<include pattern="*"/>
<include pattern="**"/>
<include pattern="**"/>
And this how the docs look like:
As you see the Response Body contains just element: (custom)
How to make that contain the JSON structure of the response?
In order to generate the documentation for the Data Model section, the entities should be annotated with @XmlRootElement