I have a kind of basic (but still unresolved) problem. I'm building a program in LabView in which I gather a large amount of measurements into a n x m matrix, and I need to convert that matrix into an image to be processed/analyzed with ImageJ. Due to resolution and the kind of analysis I need, this has to be a 16-bit grayscale image.
Now, the problems I'm facing are the following: LabView does not have (on the basic package) any VI to transform data into 16-bit grayscale, only 8-bit, which kills my dynamic range. I've read around that the Vision and Image toolboxes of LabView might have more options in that sense, but for company-related reasons I cannot access these toolboxes (i.e. I have to make do with the Full Developer version only).
My reaction at the moment is to try and build on my own a VI to build a 16-bit grayscale image, whether by using standard LabView functions, entirely with C code, or mixtures of both. However, I haven't found any clear-enough information on the web regarding how a 16-bit grayscale is structured, what data is needed, etc.
So, my question is twofold: does anyone have a better way of creating this 16-bit grayscale image (some LabView VI I've skipped, external software I can invoke, etc.)? If not, does anyone have detailed information or code useful to generating such an image from scratch?
Any help will be really useful! Thanks!
Install IMAQ module (different than the vision toolbox), it is free and has basic image management capabilities. I use it for creating 16 bit grayscale images.
Find IMAQ driver here (4.6.4 as of June 2012).