I'm laying out the basic structure and just started to create models. The issue is that the reference to the initialized Stackmob is lost within the model.
require(['modernizr','jquery','backbone', 'underscore', 'routers/router', 'stackmob'], function(Modernizr, $, Backbone, _, Router, Stackmob) {
appName: {appName},
clientSubdomain: {clientSubdomain},
apiVersion: 0
// Instantiates a new Router
this.router = new Router();
define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'stackmob', 'models/business'], function($, Backbone, Stackmob, Business) {
var BusinessesCollection = StackMob.Collection.extend({
model: Business,
// Model Constructor
initialize: function() {
// Returns the Model class
return BusinessesCollection;
How can I get the initialized StackMob object to be accessible to the model module?
Introduce a sort of instance of StackMob?
define(['stackmob'], function(StackMob) {
appName: {appName},
clientSubdomain: {clientSubdomain},
apiVersion: 0
// return a particular StackMob that we've initialised
return StackMob;
(would not appear to use StackMob directly any more, based on your example code)
require(['modernizr','jquery','backbone', 'underscore', 'routers/router'], function(Modernizr, $, Backbone, _, Router) {
// Instantiates a new Router
this.router = new Router();
(uses my-stackmob)
define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'my-stackmob', 'models/business'], function($, Backbone, Stackmob, Business) {
var BusinessesCollection = StackMob.Collection.extend({
model: Business,
// Model Constructor
initialize: function() {
// Returns the Model class
return BusinessesCollection;