Something really strange is going on here. I bought a new Mac last week, and I am now coding on this new machine. I completely forgot to export my Developer Profile from my old Mac, and now that's gone for good, so I am unable to export it for import on to this new machine. Thus, I revoked both my distribution and development certificates in the provisioning portal.
I then followed these steps to "start fresh."
Now, I have new certificates generated from my new Mac, and in Organiser > Devices > "Teams" (left hand side), I can see both iOS Development and Distribution there. I can also see my new certificates in Keychain Access.
Here's where I'm lost. In the Provisioning Portal, every new Profile that I have made, as well as the iOS Team Provisioning Profile (managed by Xcode) has the status "error" - not "invalid". Therefore, I cannot create any provisioning profiles to a) submit to the app store or b) test on my devices.
A couple more notes (not sure if these are linked to the problem) -
Thanks again for your help, despite quite a lengthy read!
I am also facing this problem from morning and got a message from Apple:
We are performing maintenance on the provisioning service. All provisioning requests will remain in pending status until maintenance is complete, at which time all pending requests will be automatically processed.
So keep patient.