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Allowing the user a sandboxed version of a programming language

Note: I'd appreciate some tag suggestions for this one..

I'd like to provide my users with a method of programmatically manipulating data on the server. This would be done by using an in-browser code editor to be executed at a later date, not dissimilar to the manner employ.

I'd like to avoid writing a DSL (a barrier to adoption?), and would prefer the language that the user writes to be either JavaScript or Ruby based.

My obvious concern is security. I understand the perils of allowing user generated code to run server-side, but what steps can I take to eliminate the risk?

Do sites like actually use irb, or is it far simpler than that?


  • Would you consider Java (or other JVM languages such as JRuby, Scala, Clojure etc)? If so - there is a wealth of power in the JVM to restrict the privileges of a sandboxed app. See this other question for details: How do I create a Java sandbox?