I need measure how time took a scriptblock (remote execution).
This is my code:
Invoke-Command -credential $testCred -computer $ServerName -scriptblock {
param([String]$scriptDeploy, [String]$destino) &"$scriptDeploy" 'parametro1' $destino
$ScriptBlockOutput = $Error
} -ArgumentList $RutaRemotaParaScriptDeInstalacion, "$dirRemotoDestino"
"`r`n`r`nOK para script de despliegue"
exit 0;
"`r`n`r`nError en script de despliegue"
"`r`nError in " + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName + " at line: " + $_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber + ", offset: " + $_.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine + ".";
exit -1
I would like something like this:
$timespan = Measure-Command $code
"Your code took {0:0.000} seconds to run" -f $timespan.TotalSeconds
Any suggestions about it ?
UPDATE: my solution
$timespan = Measure-Command -Expression {
Invoke-Command -credential $testCred -computer $ServerName -scriptblock {
param([String]$scriptDeploy, [String]$destino) &"$scriptDeploy" 'parametro1' $destino
$ScriptBlockOutput = $Error
} -ArgumentList $RutaRemotaParaScriptDeInstalacion, "$dirRemotoDestino"
"`r`n`r`nScript ha tardado {0:0.000} segundos en ejectuarse" -f $timespan.TotalSeconds
What is the problem? Everthing you wrote is good.
$timespan = Measure-Command -Expression { <your code here> }
Best Regards