If all the types in my boost::variant
support the same method, is there a way to call it generically (i.e. not calling it seperately for each method of the static_visitor
I'm trying to get something like this to work:
class A
void boo() {}
class B
void boo() {}
class C
void boo() {}
typedef boost::variant<A, B, C> X;
void foo(X& d)
but it fails to compile saying 'boo' : is not a member of 'boost::variant<T0_,T1,T2>'
Currently, I have some classes all inherit from an interface so that their single shared method can be used polymorphically. I also want to be able to use the classes via a visitor as all other methods are unique to each concrete class. I was hoping boost::variant
might be a better alternative to implementing my own visitor mechanism here. Is it?
There's no direct way, but you can make the static_visitor pretty concise using templating.
Modified from the boost docs:
struct boo_generic : public boost::static_visitor<>
template <typename T>
void operator()( T & operand ) const
Now you can do this:
boost::apply_visitor( boo_generic(), v );
Infact you can generalise this to take a function pointer of your base class:
struct fn_generic : public boost::static_visitor<>
fn_generic( void (IBase::fn)() ) : fn_(fn) {}
template<T> void operator() ( T & op ) const { op.*fn(); }
Then you can do:
boost::apply_visitor( boo_generic( IBase::boo ), v );
Or something like that - I've probably got my function pointer syntax wrong, but hopefully you get the idea.