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Coda syntax highlighting for Silverstripe

I've just moved onto a new machine. On my old work horse, I had Silverstripe template (.ss) files following HTML syntax highlighting in Coda. I can't for the life of me remember how I turned this on (I remember it was something I did myself though). Google has turned up no results.

Any suggestions?


  • UPDATE: The real way

    In Coda, open Preferences, go to Editor, at the bottom, add a Custom Syntax Mode.

    As per this guide:

    1. Right click on in /Applications and select Show Package Contents
    2. Navigate to Contents/Resources/Modes/HTML.mode/Contents/Resources
    3. Open ModeSettings.xml
    4. Add <extension>ss</extension> to the list of extensions.

    Or, make your mode (eg, SilverStripe.mode) and put it in ~/Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes

    Or, copy HTML.mode to ~/Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes and then modify it, to preserve the original.

    (For system-wide changes without modifying the application bundle, create the directory /Library/Application Support/Coda/Modes and put .mode directories there.)