I am trying to install Aptana as an Eclipse plugin for Zend Studio because the HTML/Javascript editor is so much better in Aptana, but I still want Zend Studio to handle PHP. I am receiving an "Unsupported content type in editor" message when I try to edit PHP files. It appears that Aptana is trying to take over my PHP editing. I am not sure if the message is Aptana complaining because the Zend Studio is opening the file or Zend Studio complaining because Aptana wants the file. Obviously, a conflict exists as if I make the Aptana editor the default for PHP or uninstall the Aptana plug in, the message goes away.
I am wondering if I can just completely disable or remove the PHP Plugin from Aptana Studio 3 and see if that solves the issue?
looks like if you install Eclipse Indigo and then add the Aptana 3 addon then you go to the Project Natures
in the project preferences you can see a few options:
Disable the first PHP option and rebuild your project. It will work. And you have the zend codeintel as well.